Cold Shower App

Track the time and temperature of your cold showers and ice baths.

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Start Every Day Like A Warrior1
  • Say goodbye to morning sleepiness and grogginess.
  • Start your day feeling fresh, energized, and ready to take on the world.
  • Boost your self-discipline and willpower.
Tracking Cold Showers has never been easier!
Timer Screen
Focus on the Shower, not the UI

Setting up your cold shower timer should not require NASA training.

That's why our shower tab is clean and simple: Two buttons to adjust time, two buttons for temperature, and a huge start button.

That's all!

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Calendar Screen
Jump into the time machine!
You can easily view your past showers on a monthly calendar, complete with colors that show the temperature level.

A great motivator to keep up with your cold shower routine and keep pushing yourself to new levels of coolness!

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Levels Feature
Level UP!

Take your showers to the next level by progressing through different levels.

Challenge yourself and compare your progress with friends using the Badass Score, which is based on your longest and coldest shower.

Track your progress: Dive into comprehensive statistics and charts for a clear overview.

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Unlock Exciting Achievements
Achievements Feature
Average User Reviews
Diogenes using the app.
"I already lived in a barrel. Now, thanks to the Cold Shower App, I can use it for ice baths."
- Diogenes
Hannibal using the app.
"Thanks to the Cold Shower App, I was able to cross the Alps and attack the Roman Empire."
- Hannibal
Homo Erectus using the app.
"The Cold Shower App helped us to adapt to the Ice Age."
- Homo Erectus representative
Common Questions
Ideal Temperature for a Cold Shower 1
While there's no specific scientific consensus, a general guideline suggests between 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F) as a comfortable range for cold showers.
Optimal Duration of a Cold Shower 1
General recommendations suggest a duration of around 3 minutes for a cold shower. This duration is commonly advised as being sufficient for an invigorating experience without overstaying in the cold.
Best Time for a Cold Shower 1
The morning is often suggested as the best time for a cold shower. It is believed to help wake up the body and provide an energizing start to the day. However, this is more of a common guideline than a scientifically established fact.
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